Below you can find three bird lists in alphabetic order: a) scientific names , b) English names, c) Italian names. Choose a bird name in one of these lists and click GO: you will open a page that contains links to song samples and spectrograms for that bird. The page contains also a detailed description of each audio sample. The bird list shows only those species which have been recorded by the author and will be regularly updated. Most of the recordings have been performed in a restricted geographic area (see geography), but recently I have added some recordings made in other places of Italy or even abroad. Note that the geographic positions of the recording sites outside Southern Tuscany are showed with bold text in the description.
(Species updated: Alcedo atthis, Calidris alpina, Calidris minuta, Falco tinnunculus, Phoenicurus ochruros, Gelochelidon nilotica, Phylloscopus trochilus.)